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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

#4: English test

...Dary!! Legendary!!!

Hello everyone I'm Jeffrey Rex.
Only about 11 hours until my scriptual English test, throughout the entire day I've been cold, cool & calm, but, guess what just happened? I got worried, just like I always get when I'm this close to a test.

This is a subject I know by heart, but I still feel torn - like I'm really confident, but, also really worried about the different terms & I'm worried about commas. This is something I always do, I build up a 'fear' of losing, or rather failing - not failing the test, but i 'fear' that I'll let myself down.

I'm really used to this, but, it still annoys me to death - I've a lot of things on my mind about this test, not only my own level & excellence but also my handwriting & my printer. I'm worried - I really am, but, eventhough I've doubt & feel worried I know I'll get through this, & if I'm right - I'll get over this easily...

Still I am worried, but, this is nothing - considering how worried I am about the Natural Geography-exam.

But anyways - wish me luck!

See you later - and once again I'm Jeffrey Rex!

The next post is gonna be Legen... Wait for it...

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